Monday, December 7, 2015

HBHE Welcomes a New Faculty Member!

Get to know Dr. Roshanak Mehdipanah as she answers 5 questions about her life, career and research.

1. What is the focus of your current research?
My research focuses on three areas: built environment, urban health equity and mixed-methods. I focus on how the physical and social environments affect different populations through a health equity perspective. 

I am currently working on a health equity assessment (Urban HEART tool) of the city of Detroit in a project funded by the World Health Organization. The purpose is to work closely with community based organizations, established through the Healthy Environments Partnership project, to identify equity gaps in the city in order to develop response strategies. 

2. Why is this interesting to you?
Since my undergraduate years, I was very interested in studying the relationship and interaction between people and places. I remember looking at maps that highlighted various indicators like income and diabetes and was just fascinated with how these gradients existed within a city. 

3. Who or what inspires you?

The communities I work with have always played a large role in how I approach my research. That is why I am always drawn to methods like community-based participatory research and their ability to bring communities and research together. I have also been really lucky to work with prominent researchers in the field of social determinants of health and their work continues to inspire me. 

4. When you're not working, what do you like to do?

I love exploring. When I was little, my mom and I would get into the car and point at an area on the map and drive out there to explore. I think that has stayed with me and whenever I get a chance, I like to go out to different areas in a city or visit a neighboring town. I am also a huge foodie and have to admit some of that exploring tends to be around a new restaurant or cafe I want to try. 

5. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

My parents always laughed at me because I would change my mind every day from being an astronaut to being a doctor depending on what I had read or seen that day. However, going through school, I think it became clear to me that I wanted to continue in the sciences and my favorite courses were biology and health. 

Watch the short video below to learn more about Dr Mehdipanah's research! 

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