Thursday, May 31, 2012

An Exciting Time to be an HBHE Alum

Chair, Marc Zimmerman talks the Affordable Care Act- Whether it stays or not, it's changed the national discourse.

"The rest of the country is catching on- managed care organizations have known it for years. The way to cut costs in healthcare is through health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic disease management. And really, what that means for our students and alums is jobs."

HBHE specialists are in demand. Dr. Zimmerman talks about how the UM HBHE program continues to transform in ways to best train public health professionals to rise to the occasion.

How can we, as HBHE alums, band together to take advantage of this exciting time? Share your thoughts below in a comment...

1 comment:

  1. PPACA has already led to implementation of EMR's in many large health care systems. EMR's enable consortia of systems that create uniformly defined variables to permit analysis of health outcomes for 10's of millions of ensured and uninsured lives across the country (e.g., HMORN). The research requires multi-disciplinary teams with expertise in HBHE, biomedical informatics, ethics, medicine, health services research, and biostatistical analysis. Keep connected and network, network, network! -Laurel Copeland, MPH '93, PHD '00
