Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One Alumnus, One Student, One HBHE Family

Laura Ghiron graduated from HBHE in 1998. Kyasha Moore graduates in 2013.

Marc Zimmerman introduces us to these HBHE professionals, their careers, and what it means to connect across the UM HBHE generations...

How has mentoring enriched your professional life? Share in a comment below!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tips & Terms to Get You Started: Twitter for Public Health Campaigns

Want to get your finger on the pulse of the public dialogue? Create lasting relationships with people around the world? Communicate instantly with more people and communities at a rate greater than ever before? ….for free?! Try Twitter.

We know Twitter can be confusing for first timers, so we created this guide with basic tips and vocabulary. First...

HBHE student writes a Thank You to an HBHE Alum

This last summer, I was one of the lucky HBHE students to have a University of Michigan HBHE alum as my internship preceptor. I am so grateful for this experience and wanted to take this opportunity to share a bit about my internship with Nicole Adelman, the Executive Director of the Interfaith Hospitality Network at Alpha House. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Glanz, Henry, Ramirez-Valles, Stokes come home to HBHE

Dr. Carla Stokes

Four UM HBHE doctoral alumni, who've made significant contributions to the field of public health, returned to SPH to share a bit of wisdom with current students at the day-long October 2nd Rackham Centennial Doctoral Alumni Lecture.
    The event offered several ways for the alumni to connect back to HBHE students, from student mini-mentoring sessions, to semi-structured receptions, to the alumni's formal talks on how they got where they are now and what they wish they'd known along the way. 

    What was their common message to HBHE students?

    1. Don't be discouraged by a winding path to your career goals. 

    2. Dr. Jesus Ramirez-Valles

      HBHE faculty mentorship can be pivotal- keep those connections.

    3. Our HBHE training is invaluable in non-profit, academic, and foundation work.
    Students were inspired by this unique professional development opportunity and said the event gave them a sense of excitement and possibility to see such poignant examples of the many paths a successful HBHE career can take. They especially appreciated the practical advice each of the alumni offered. 

    Instant Results Quiz: HBHE Alumni by Industry

    See results of where you and your colleagues now work...

    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    Good times for HBHE: APHA in SF 2012

    Did you come to the HBHE Staying Connected Reception at APHA in San Francisco this year? If not, we missed you!!! Check out the reception photos. See any familiar faces???


    As always, on the Monday afternoon of APHA, UM HBHE alumni, faculty, students, and friends came together...

    Interview You?

    Connect back!

    Stay connected to our department. Help develop our young professionals. Take one hour and let our students interview you!

    With your permission, we may even feature you and your work in future videos on

    Host an HBHE Intern

    If your organization would like one of our highly trained and skilled students...

    Our students are trained in:
    • Determinants of health
    • Theory in health behavior
    • Research and evaluation methodology
    • Ethical principles in public health
    • Intervention planning, implementation and evaluation
    • Working with diverse populations
    • Managing programs
    • Global health
    • Community-based participatory research

    Thursday, May 31, 2012

    An Exciting Time to be an HBHE Alum

    Chair, Marc Zimmerman talks the Affordable Care Act- Whether it stays or not, it's changed the national discourse.

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Rememer your HBHE internship?

    Did you travel to another state or another country? What was it like for you to put your HBHE training to use for the first time?

    Click on our interactive Field Placement Map below to see where HBHE has placed students in over 100 internships worldwide, this year!

    If you or your organization would like to host one of our highly trained and skilled interns, fill out this survey, and we will get back to you!

    Leaders in Education

    New Programming in HBHE

    The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) recently recognized HBHE for our newly developed e-portfolio program (MPortfolio, here at UM) that is a key component of our new Capstone Course.

    Faculty Transitions

    Arrivals and departures

    Please join us in welcoming...  
    Ritesh Mistry, who works in prevention of adolescent substance use in the US and India and Gary Harper, who works in community-based research in the US and Kenya for the prevention of HIV in adolescents.
    Dr. Gary Harper

    New Programming by New Staff...

    with a Familiar Face

    Nancy Willard, MPH
    I am delighted to announce that alum Nancy Willard, MPH began her tenure with HBHE early this year. Nancy manages HBHE’s Field Placement Program, e-Portfolio Program, and Alumni relations and she is the instructor for the newly-developed HBHE Capstone course. 


    Stay connected...