Monday, December 9, 2013

A Changing of the Guard: Honoring Marc Zimmerman

Did you know Marc Zimmerman has held the position of HBHE Chair longer than any other Chair in U-M HBHE's past? If you graduated in the last decade, he was likely your Chair.

Effective January 1, Marc will step down and we are thrilled to welcome Cathleen Connell to the role of HBHE Chair.

In recognition of Marc's generous service, dedication, and unique... flare, please enjoy this edition of video...

What are your favorite memories of Marc as Chair, mentor, or instructor? Leave a comment here!


  1. His passion for what he was teaching made me really want to learn. My most vivid memory was of him as an instructor. I was at Michigan between 2001-2003, and during a class he asked the students if anyone knew who Karl Rove was, and only a couple of people raised their hands. He told us to go him and Google him (which was not exactly the default thing to do at the time). He told us we would be concerned that we didn't know he was. He was right, but we didn't know it at the time!

  2. Thank goodness I was sitting down when I watched this -- seeing him without his trade-Marc (ahem) mustache and longer hair just about knocked my world off its axis. Luckily there were some older shots included in the video, so that I didn't end up feeling like I'd fallen through a wormhole into an alternate universe.

    In seriousness -- I graduated in '97, and I remember Marc's continual focus on assisting HBHE students. I used him as a reference for at least two jobs, so that kind of got me where I am today. Thanks, Marc, and cheers!

    [Edited because initially I spelled his name wrong. Tres gauche!]

  3. Just wanted to say good luck! You may not remember this far back....but I was one of your students in HBHE in 1995-1996. The person and the professional that I am today grew from those very important years as a graduate student - and with you as an adviser.
    "Drop a pebble in the water:
    just a splash, and it is gone;
    But there's half-a-hundred ripples
    Circling on and on and on,
    Spreading, spreading from the center,
    flowing on out to the sea.
    And there is no way of telling
    where the end is going to be.....'
    ~By James W. Foley~
    Without a doubt - you are a Ripplemaker.
    All the best and thank you,
    Jennifer Berry Hamill, M.P.H. (1996)
