Monday, December 15, 2014

Thank an Alum: Caitlin Dougherty Muñoz (HBHE ’08 alum)

To: Caitlin Dougherty Muñoz 
(HBHE ’08 alum)

After working in healthcare policy for a spell, it became clear that I wanted to pursue a career in public health, specifically in health equity. I was lucky to be hired as an Asthma Educator at IMPACT DC, an asthma clinic in Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC that equips families and children with the resources and support to manage their children’s asthma. I was looking forward to working for my boss, Caitlin, who had her MPH from University of Michigan, a program to which I had wanted to apply. Little did I know, I would end up following in her footsteps.

 Working for Caitlin gave me a head start on my MPH. She is a natural public health practitioner, teacher, and manager. She taught me the principles of motivational interviewing before I ever stepped foot into a public health classroom. She taught me techniques to build people’s self efficacy skills around medication adherence. At the time, I didn’t realize the power of behavior change theory, but after studying theory in HBHE classes, I look back and see how often theory informed Caitlin’s management of the asthma clinic.

 Perhaps the most important thing Caitlin taught me about health education is the importance of cultural humility. While I was being trained as an Asthma Educator, I shadowed Caitlin during her sessions with families. Every interaction Caitlin had with her patients stemmed from a place of pure compassion and respect. Because of this, she had an uncanny ability to build trust and connect with families. She instilled in each employee of the clinic the importance of cultural humility and patient-centered care. I believe Caitlin’s leadership in these areas is why the clinic was so successful in improving asthma outcomes.

 I decided to explore a career in public health because I wanted to focus explicitly on social justice and health. I can’t think of a better person to emulate in my career than Caitlin. She is a true advocate for health equity and an exemplary public health practitioner. I’d like to give a big thank you, Caitlin, for your mentorship and guidance over the past few years.

-Matthew Mellon, 2016
MPP/MPH Candidate

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